Monday, April 6, 2015


Short Passage number 1: Appreciative 

My mom is the best person in the world. She does everything for me and I would not be able to survive without her. In the morning she wakes me up for school so I am not late. On the weekend she lets me sleep in and I get woken up by the smell of the delicious cinnamon rolls she is baking. When I’m not feeling well she will go to Dunkin Donuts and picks me up my vanilla swirl iced coffee and a chocolate sprinkled donut. She would do anything in the world for me. She does my laundry and makes my bed even though I am completely capable. I am so lucky to have my mom. She is very supportive of me and comes to all my sporting events. Even when I don’t have my best game she lifts my spirits up and tells me how everyone has a bad game here or there and everything will be better next time. She always positive and never stays mad at me for too long when I do something dumb. I appreciate my mom and everything she does for me.

Short Passage number 2: Annoyed 

My mom can be so annoying. She always gets in the way and never lets me leave the house. Every Friday night she keeps me locked up in my room telling me to stay in there until it’s clean. She’s very bossy and gives me a never ending list of chores to do. She never gives me time to myself. I am either cleaning the house, doing my homework, or bringing my brother from place to place like I am his chauffer. I wish she would let me be a normal teenage girl and let me go out with my friends. I never see my friends anymore because of her. Only at school. She gets mad at me over the dumbest things. No matter how hard I try if I ever got something below a B she would kill me. She doesn’t understand how hard life can be sometimes and I wish she would give me some time to myself. She makes my life so stressful and I wish she would just get off my back and let me do my own thing. 

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