Thursday, April 30, 2015


Standing alone in the bathroom,
A rope in her pale bony hand and prescription pills spilled all over the floor,
Her cellphone is ringing nonstop with calls from her worried friends,
She can’t hear the ring,
All she can hear is death screaming her name.

She gets up on the bathtub ledge standing tall and mighty tying up the rope,
She gracefully loops the noose around the bar the shower curtain lays on,
She gently places it around her neck in preparation to jump,
She closes her eyes and counts to three,
1…2… before she gets to three she’s already left the surface of the ground.

She hangs there lifeless,
The girl does not even struggle for her life,
She lets the tight rope take the air right out of her.

A young boy walks into the bathroom trembling,
He sees his sister hanging,
Devastated he starts sobbing but then he remembers,
She’s in a happier place now and has been put out of her misery. 

Free Write

Sitting in silence by the swift ocean,
I can hear the waves crash,
The seagulls sing,
and the sand crunch under my toes.
The peaceful sound of the wind blowing through my hair makes me grin.
The sun beats down on my pale freckled skin turning it a deep scarlet color.
My shorts filled with sand from laying on the beach,
There is not one cloud in the sky to ruin this perfect summer day.


They say its not as tough as losing a family member,
But I think it might be tougher.
The two young children sit there with there with their tiny fragile hands covering their eyes,
You can see what looks like streams running down their face. 
They lost their fuzzy best friend and no one will ever be able to replace him. 

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