Thursday, May 28, 2015

Alphabet prompt

                A group of teenage girls lay out on the hot burning sand. Beach balls are bouncing all around. Crabs crawl up and pinch their toes. Dunes of sand stack twenty feet high. Enormous men lather on sunscreen. Fish flop in and out of the salty water. Girls lay around trying to turn their pale skin a golden brown. Hot sun rays come down. Ice cream drips down all the sweaty children’s faces. Jolly little babies smile while they watch the older kids play. Kites fly through the windy sky. Laughter fills the air. Money is not spent because the beach is so cheap. Nobody is sad because it is summer. Ocean water splashes everyone’s feet. People run around in the sun. Quilts are laid out on the sand. Red faces are all over the beach. Summer is the best season all year. Tan skin is everywhere. UV rays make your skin burn or tan. Vans filled with ice cream line the beach. Water cools everyone off. X marks the spot in the sand where the treasure lies. “Yo” is what the boys yell before they throw the ball. Zoo trips are just as fun as beach trips. 

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