Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Mason: Brad. (Awkward pause) Did we really just kill a man? I mean you. Did you really just kill a man?

Brad: My god could you keep your voice down! Just pretend like we are here to enjoy a nice mid-morning breakfast and no one will think anything is up.

Mason: Okay I am sorry. I’m just nervous I’ve never done this before.

Brad: And you think I have?! What kind of person do you think I am?

Mason: A man who drags his best friend into killing another man with him just for selling him bad steroids. Brad you’re a doctor. You know you could get in trouble just for giving young athletes steroids. You’ll be in prison longer now for killing a man!

Brad: (stands up at the table) Mason! I said keep your voice down!

Mason: (slouches down in his seat) I’m sorry Brad. The guilt. It’s already getting to me.

(Waitress walks over and acts like nothing is happening and stands and waits for the men to stop yelling at each other)

Jenny: Hello my name is Jenny I’ll be serving you today. Can I start you off with a drink?

Mason: Yeah, I’ll have a coffee with a side of I just murdered a man.

Brad: (Reaches across the table and covers Masons mouth) Haha! He’s a funny one! Just bring us both a coffee. Black coffee please.

Waitress: Okay I’ll be right back.

Brad: Mason are you kidding me. You are going to get yourself arrested too yah know? You assisted me. You may not have shot him with the gun but you helped me catch him. You cornered him with the car. You’ll be charger for intent in murder.

Mason: I keep telling you Brad I’m sorry. I can’t say I’m sorry anymore.

Waitress: Hello guys I am back. What would you like to eat? Or do you need a few more minutes?

Brad: We are ready. I’ll have the spinach omelet with a side of home fries.

Mason: I will have the scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon please.

Jenny: Great I’ll put the order in. 

Brad: Mason, why are you sweating so much you look suspicious?

Mason: How am I supposed to keep it in that I assisted in killing someone today? I helped you corner a man in a dark alley so you could put a gun to his head. All because he gave you steroids that didn’t work. This poor man who probably has a loving wife and young adoring children who don’t know that their dad won’t be coming home tonight. All because you though the only way to solve this problem was by shooting him in the side of the head.

Brad: Don’t act like I don’t feel bad. I feel horrible.

Mason: Then why did you do it?

(Two cops walk in on their break coming to have a quick drink and muffins)

Brad: Mason. Please stop talking.

Mason: I have to confess.

Brad: Don’t you dare. Think about it you’re a newlywed. You want to leave Amber all alone. Don’t you want to have children with her some day? Think about your future.

Mason: Amber does not deserve to be with a man as horrible as me. She’s a beautiful woman. She’ll be able to find someone deserving of her in a heartbeat.

(Mason gets up and starts to walk towards the two cops sitting at the counter)

Officer Schofield: Hello sir how may I help you?

Mason: I-I-I.

Brad: Say it. You won’t you little rat.

Officer Schofield: Say what? We are here to help you. Do you need something?

Mason: Nothing I’m fine. Never mind, I am sorry for bothering you.

(Mason slowly walks back to the table him and Brad were sitting at)

Brad: I knew you were pathetic but wow.

Mason: I am not pathetic! You’re the pathetic one! You are scum. You ruin children’s futures by giving them medicine their body doesn’t need. Not everyone is meant to be some all-star athlete.

Brad: Sometimes that’s the only way you can get acceptance from your parents but you wouldn’t know being an All American track athlete. Some people have to do whatever they can to get their parents respect and attention. I was sick of being beaten by my father just because I could throw a baseball as far and kick a soccer ball as hard as all the other kids. I had to stick up for myself and even going to the gym everyday wouldn’t make me strong enough to defend myself from my dad.

(Brad and Mason sit in silence staring at each other. The entire diner is silent. The two officers walk over.)

Officer Quinn: I couldn’t help but over hear your interesting conversation. Sir you have to come with us.

Brad: You don’t know what I’ve done.

Officer Schofield: Well. We know enough and I think your friend here is ready to confess everything. 

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